Mind And Nerve Care

The Homoeopathic Approach towards Holistic Management Of Mind -Body Health

An old Indian saying goes, if you want to see what your thoughts were like yesterday, look at your body today. If you want to see what your body will be like tomorrow, look at your thoughts today. Most of us would be pretty upset to apply this test to ourselves. The real medicine our bodies need is medicine for our awareness….


Here Homoeopathy comes into this picture which primarily works on a dynamic plane by stimulating the vitality of an individual & inducing the awareness for the process of self healing. According to homoeopathic philosophy, body & mind are an inseparable whole and
must be treated as an unit. Homoeopathy is one of the finest forms of medicinal treatment
where even ill thinking is a sign of disease, while harmony between trinity of life that is body, mind and spirit is considered as health. In short, for homoeopathy disease is delusion and awareness is health. If you can successfully restore balance to the body-mind, then the patient’s immune system will respond. The immune cells do not judge whether the doctor believes in Conventional medicine, Ayurveda or Homoeopathy, as far as it can change our participation in disease, every system is capable of working. Homoeopathy is a system of selection from more than 2000 medicines that single remedy which each person needs at any certain time. It does not give a remedy according to the name of the disease but according to the peculiarities, tendencies, type and temperament of each person. Thus, one can see that it is a special and distinctive method of treatment .The patient has a part in making it by
relating all of his or her physical feelings, emotional states or tendencies and all external signs. Also, any experiences and conditions in life that have or may have had an unfavourable influence on well-being. For the sum of all these symptoms determines the choice of remedy
Homoeopathy does not give drugs for drug effect. Instead medicines are used in a way to cause healthy reactions of vitality. Some of this work is quickly accomplished, but
some chronic and constitutional conditions need more time.



Let Homoeopathy Serve in the disorders of Mind & Nerve…..

Once a man came across Mulla Nasirudin who was searching for something on the
ground. “What have you lost Mullah?” he asked.”My key ” replied Nasirudin. So they
both went down on their knees & looked for it. After some time the man asked
Nasirudin “Where exactly you dropped it?” to which Nasirudin replied “In my house”
replied Nasirudin.

Although Nasirudin’s behavior seems absurd, it is precisely what most of us do when we
have a problem. Rather than searching within ourselves, we look outside, often
recruiting the services of others, in the hope that we will find the key to the solution.
This is nowhere more apparent than in the field of healing, or medicine which, perhaps
more than any other discipline is expected to shed light on the human condition.

People are healthier today not because they receive all this well publicized better
treatment when ill but simply because they tend not to become ill in the first place.
Accordingly, the effectiveness of doctors is largely illusory.

“Just as there is an art to being a doctor, there is an art to being a patient. You must
choose wisely when to submit and when to assert yourself. Even when patient decide
not to decide, they should still question their physicians and insist on explanations. What patient wants most from doctors in not autonomy per se; its competence & kindness.
Most physicians believe that diagnosis cannot be reduced to a set of generalizations -to
a cook book, as some say. Instead, they argue, it must take account of the idiosyncrasies of individual patients,” says a young surgeon Atul Gowande in his medical writing namely Complications.

And this all aptly matches to operation of Homoeopathic treatment in the field of mind
& nerve [brain] disorders. Many patients simply do not need western medicine per se,
some eighty per cent of all conditions currently treated by doctors being self limiting or
chronic psychological & social problems.

Hence Homoeopathy can play a pivotal role in treatment of conditions like anguish
anxiety neurosis, hypochondriasis, Different types of phobias, hysterical states, OCDs,
memory problems, sleep disorders etc. Since many ordinary illnesses are nothing but
the expression of a serious dissatisfaction of life…Homoeopathy can offer a tailor
made solution to these conditions because of its individualistic approach, such as fear of death in Aconite, claustrophobia in Arg. Nit., hand washing mania in Syphilinum,
sudden loss of memory in Anacardium, senile dementia in Ambra G. etc.

Tranquilizer drugs, which have become so popular during the past few years, bring
peace of mind, calmness & reduce or eliminate nervous symptoms by an umbrella
action. Just as an umbrella protects us from the rain, the various tranquilizers erect a
psychic screen between us & disturbing stimuli. In substance they reduce or tone down
our over response to negative feedback….Over response is a bad habit which can be
cured or relieved to a great extent with the help of Homoeopathic medicines. As it is
rightly said, disease is delusion & awareness is health… Our medicines work on dynamic
plane to generate the necessary awareness. In our theory of causation, we say that
ill thinking is a sign of an illness. Hence ‘a stitch in time, saves nine’ philosophy can be
applied with Homoeopathic care for many day today nervous disorders
When we treat emotional problems, emotions are not suppressed or dulled as they are by  sedatives or tranquilizers. Mind remains clear & alert & we are able to feel our
emotions. Some of the ways that patient have expressed the result of taking the correct
Homoeopathic medicine for emotional upsets are “I feel I seem to be able to cope with
the situation better.” Or “My body is not out of control with the fear.”

Not every upset in life requires a remedy. Even though homoeopathic medicines are
completely safe & non toxic, it is important to remember that the best way to get
through life’s upsets is to deal with them.

Besides mind, various nerve disorders such as nerve pains, different types of neuralgias,
sciatica, Carpal tunnel syndrome, nervous headaches etc. can be successfully treated
with Homoeopathy, because it offers range of pain remedies with relevant modalities &
Inspite of this vast scope in the field of mind & nerve disorders, it has its own limitations
in severe psychotic conditions like schizophrenia, endogenous depression, nervous
breakdown, seasonal affective disorders, Addictions, alcoholism, Epilepsy, Alzheimer’s
Parkinson’s, cerebro-vascular accidents etc. Still, it can play an effective palliative role in
their long term management at par with modern medicines.

Constitutional treatment of Homoeopathy is an excellent complement to


At PRANA, we serve to society through the specialty clinics in order to deliver best
possible expertise to the suffering humanity.

So I am here with special interest in the field of mind & nerve disorder….Because
Human psychology is my subject of interest since student days. I have done extensive
workshops about functioning of mind & its disorders such as Rational Emotive
Behavioural therapy, Psychotherapy, Gerontology, study of Eastern concept of mind as
Man, Chitta, Budhhi & Ahamkar, Training in Vipassana meditation, study & use of Bach
Flower remedies, Bibliotherapy with the help of books written by Deepak Chopra, Larry
Dossey, Dean Ornish, Osho Rajnish, Patanjali Yogsutra, Anad Nadkarni, Geeta, Philosophy of Budha & Mahavir etc.

l very well know, that I can neither help by sympathy nor by apathy, but only through

I recognize the healing process can be pretty traumatic. But principles of Homoeopathy
has taught me to make a note of the patient’s emotional condition, social standing, economic capacities & philosophical attitudes before deciding on a course of treatment because efficient performance established with considerate touch can do wonders….
Let’s do it at PRANA..!

Dr. Pradeep C. Sethiya – MD (Hom.)
Mind & Nerve Clinic – PRÁNA