Stress Free Series

The Concept

Stress needs no introduction. It is the natural response of our mind and body to everyday challenges and demands. These demands can be related to finances, work, relationships or a cumulative effect of all. Stress, being a natural response, is essential for our survival. This Fight-or-flight mechanism can tell us when and how to respond to danger. However, if this mechanism is triggered too easily or too frequently, it can undermine a person’s mental and physical health, leading to premature disorders like Diabetes, Hypertension, Obesity, Anxiety, Insomnia, Heart Disease, Hyper-acidity and much more. And hence the need to manage stress!

We believe that Stress Management should be inculcated as an habit, as a behavioural change in our response to stress. Only then, can it come naturally to us.This Workshop comprises of 12 sessions conducted on every 2nd Wednesday of the month. Every session includes 45 minutes of interactive discussion and 15 minutes of guided practice of stress management techniques. The objective is to empower the participant with multiple methods and facilitate the process of building a natural stress free response to various triggers.


Series of Stress Free Wednesdays

1. Burn out ahead – Physiological aspects of stress, right & wrong method of managing it.

2. Inside out – Transforming from inside out. Taking responsibilities of your actions and your life.

3. Emotional hijack – ‘why’ should avoid it & how to avoid it.

4. Being a superhero – Anxiety (how to identify it)

5. Buddha’s brain- Meditation (The science behind mind fullness, sleep, brain waves.

6. Driving seat – Thoughts, Attitude, Beliefs & power of positive thoughts.

7. Chemical Locha- Motivation, Procrastination…. The Myths.

8. Speak right, Here right – Assertiveness and being an effective communicator.

9. Mind your body – Importance and awareness of body as a tool of your mind’s communication with you.

10. The social me- Relationships Conflicts, Breakups, Social phobias.

11. The Goal Post – Time management, Deadlines, Goals.

l2. Happiness Quotient – Developing happiness as a state of mind.